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software:windows-fav [2006/12/13 23:49]
cyril created
— (current)
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-====== My favorite software with Windows ====== 
-===== Internet ===== 
-  * Trillian (or Gaim) : multiprotocol IM client (MSN, IRC, ICQ, AIM, Yahoo!, Jabber/GTalk) 
-  * Thunderbird : mail client 
-  * Firefox (or Opera) : web browser 
-  * RadioFrSolo 
-===== Utilities ===== 
-  * SpeedCommander : replaces Windows Explorer, with tabs, ftp client and a lot of other features 
-  * Notepad++ : replaces Windows Notepad, with tabs and a lot of other features 
-===== Multimedia ===== 
-  * VirtualDub 
-  *  
software/windows-fav.1166053767.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2013/09/19 16:43 (external edit)
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