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software:virtualbox [2014/11/29 10:02]
cyril [Sources - Story]
software:virtualbox [2014/11/29 10:03] (current)
Line 24: Line 24:
   * Create the virtual machine in VirtualBox the usual way, with the following settings:   * Create the virtual machine in VirtualBox the usual way, with the following settings:
     * check "Enable IO APIC" in System/Motherboard tab and "Enable PAE/NX" in System/Processor tab     * check "Enable IO APIC" in System/Motherboard tab and "Enable PAE/NX" in System/Processor tab
-    * set you real mac address for the Network adapter+    * set your real mac address for the Network adapter
   * Set the DMI BIOS information to avoid activation problems. Execute:<code>   * Set the DMI BIOS information to avoid activation problems. Execute:<code>
 sudo dmidecode -t0 # provides DmiBIOS* variables sudo dmidecode -t0 # provides DmiBIOS* variables
software/virtualbox.1417255354.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2014/11/29 10:02 by cyril
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