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software:files [2024/07/04 15:27]
cyril [Maintenance]
software:files [2024/07/05 08:09] (current)
cyril [Tools]
Line 203: Line 203:
   * ''borg list <repo>''   * ''borg list <repo>''
   * ''borg info <repo>::<archive>''   * ''borg info <repo>::<archive>''
 +  * ''borg diff <repo>::<archive1> <archive2>''
 +  * ''borg mount <repo>::<archive> <mountpoint>''
 === Restic === === Restic ===
Line 211: Line 214:
     * The chunker cannot be configured, contrary to Borg. It is equivalent to [[https://restic.readthedocs.io/en/stable/100_references.html#backups-and-deduplication|19,23]],[[https://restic.net/blog/2015-09-12/restic-foundation1-cdc/|21,512]], similarly to Borg's default [[https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/internals/data-structures.html#buzhash-chunker|19,23,21,4095]], but unlike my chosen values.     * The chunker cannot be configured, contrary to Borg. It is equivalent to [[https://restic.readthedocs.io/en/stable/100_references.html#backups-and-deduplication|19,23]],[[https://restic.net/blog/2015-09-12/restic-foundation1-cdc/|21,512]], similarly to Borg's default [[https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/internals/data-structures.html#buzhash-chunker|19,23,21,4095]], but unlike my chosen values.
     * ''--compression'': unlike Borg, there is only choicies ''auto'', ''max'' and ''off''     * ''--compression'': unlike Borg, there is only choicies ''auto'', ''max'' and ''off''
 +  * ''restic --repo <repo> snapshots'' to list snapshots
software/files.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/07/05 08:09 by cyril
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