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software:fights [2008/11/18 15:39]
software:fights [2013/09/19 16:40] (current)
Line 12: Line 12:
   * cannot type accents   * cannot type accents
-==== Konsole ====+==== Konsole ====
   * not very light   * not very light
   * no real window-clear (shift-enter)   * no real window-clear (shift-enter)
   * does not keep the working dir when opening new tab   * does not keep the working dir when opening new tab
   * does not update tab title with current command   * does not update tab title with current command
 +==== Konsole 4 ====
 +  * not very light
 +  * no customizable shortcut for real window-clear (shift-enter)
 +  * does not preserve custom tab title, and doesn't show complete program in window title like konsole 3 does
 ===== Text Editor ===== ===== Text Editor =====
Line 45: Line 50:
 ^Feature^Kaffeine^VDR^ ^Feature^Kaffeine^VDR^
-|EPG|<color red>not working</color>|ok|+|EPG|not working|ok|
 |autocrop|yes|yes| |autocrop|yes|yes|
 |zoom|yes|yes| |zoom|yes|yes|
Line 65: Line 70:
   * no fullscreen remote button   * no fullscreen remote button
   * no sound in fast forward, pause/rewind/forward not very reactive   * no sound in fast forward, pause/rewind/forward not very reactive
 +===== Media Player =====
 +To manage music library.
 +==== Amarok ====
 +  * regularly crashes
 +==== SongBird ====
 +  * no good lyrics plugin (synced lyrics + stored in local file)
 +  * bug to play tracks with accents in filename
 +  * play queue not automatically updated
 ===== Dual Display ===== ===== Dual Display =====
software/fights.1227022763.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/09/19 16:43 (external edit)
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