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software:dokuwiki [2013/09/19 20:04]
cyril add nginx support
software:dokuwiki [2022/04/08 07:34] (current)
cyril [The sidebar] with new version
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 ===== Install with Nginx ===== ===== Install with Nginx =====
-userewrite = 2 (dokuwiki is rewriting) did not work with nginx, so I wanted to switch to mode 1 where the web server manages rewriting.+''userewrite = 2'' (dokuwiki is rewriting) did not work with nginx, so I wanted to switch to mode 1 where the web server manages rewriting.
 There are suggestions of configuration [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/rewrite#nginx|here]] and [[http://wiki.nginx.org/Dokuwiki|here]] but they all seemed to assume that the wiki was at the root of the server, and the "@dokuwiki" syntax did not work in my case, when I want to access the wiki with domain.tld/wiki. There are suggestions of configuration [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/rewrite#nginx|here]] and [[http://wiki.nginx.org/Dokuwiki|here]] but they all seemed to assume that the wiki was at the root of the server, and the "@dokuwiki" syntax did not work in my case, when I want to access the wiki with domain.tld/wiki.
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 </code> </code>
 +With version ''2020-07-29 Hogfather'' the rewritemode 2 was working, but then it was impossible to log in anymore...
 ===== The sidebar ===== ===== The sidebar =====
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 You can change some options in ''sidebar/conf/tplfn_sidebar.php''. You can change some options in ''sidebar/conf/tplfn_sidebar.php''.
 +In version ''2020-07-29 Hogfather'' the default template has a sidebar, by creating the ":sidebar" page.
software/dokuwiki.1379621052.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/09/19 20:04 by cyril
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