Table of Contents
Iphone 3G
- Calendars and Contacts: exchange
- Nimbuzz: multiprotocol chat client
- iVelos2: to see occupation of stations in free bike services
- GPSLite: GPS software to record your trajectories
- TouchTerm: SSH client
- Skype: you can call and send SMS at Skype rates
- Fring: sip client and multiprotocols chat client
- AroundMe
- Deezer
- Google Earth
- Wapedia
- France24 live
- Facebook
- Torch
- PagesJaunes
- iTrafic
- AudioMemos Free
Jailbroken Apps
- OpenSSH, Automatic SSH
- rsync, unzip, wget, lsof, top, bc, bzip2, grep, gzip, Kate, less, nano, screen, sed, gawk, Z Shell
- basic-cmds, adv-cmds, network-cmds, file-cmds, Core Utilities
- iDNS: dynamic DNS client
- rdesktop
- Tether
- VoIPover3G
- Icy
- AdBlock
- Erica Utilities
- Mplayer, FFmpeg
- Moon Phase
- rdesktop
- Backgrounder