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start [2007/12/16 23:44] external edit
start [2022/04/07 22:21] (current)
cyril replace pageindex by indexmenu for toc
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 Welcome on my wiki ! Welcome on my wiki !
-This wiki is complementary to my [[http://crteknologies.free.fr|classic website]], which is in French. You'll find on my website :+This wiki is complementary to my [[http://crteknologies.fr|classic website]], which is in French. You will find on my website :
   * My software to download   * My software to download
   * Some stuff about programmation and electronics   * Some stuff about programmation and electronics
-\\ +  * A description of some of my projects 
 +You will find on this wiki all tips and tricks I find when programming or doing stuff with Linux or Windows. In other terms, this wiki will be my notepad ! Hey, rather than keeping it for me, it is not more difficult to share it on a wiki.
-You'll find on this wiki all tips and tricks I find when programming or doing stuff with Linux or Windows. In other terms, this wiki will be my notepad ! Hey, rather than keeping it for me, it is not more difficult to put it on a wiki, so that it could be useful to other people. +It is possible to post comments on every page, so feel free to do so if you have any remark or correction.
- +
-You can find a summary of the content of the wiki [[http://crteknologies.free.fr/wiki/doku.php?do=index|here]], and anytime with the ''Index'' button at the bottom of the page or the sidebar.+
 Hope you will enjoy your visit !\\ Hope you will enjoy your visit !\\
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 +===== Table of contents =====
-**Table of contents :** +{{indexmenu>|navbar}}
- +
-**Plan complet :** +
-  * Artificial Intelligence +
-    * [[.ai:0-contents|Contents]] +
-    * [[.ai:classification|Classification]] +
-    * [[.ai:clustering|Clustering]] +
-    * [[.ai:reinforcement-learning|Reinforcement Learning]] +
-    * [[.ai:planification|Planification]] +
-    * [[.ai:sensors-fusion|Sensors fusion]] +
-    * [[.ai:vision|Vision]] +
-    * [[.ai:pattern-recognition|Pattern recognition]] +
-    * [[.ai:tracking|Contents]] +
-  * Internet +
-    * [[.internet:links|Links]] +
-    * [[.internet:dokuwiki|Dokuwiki]] +
-  * Linux +
-    * [[.linux:howtos-tips|Howtos and tips]] +
-    * [[.linux:commands|Commands]] +
-    * [[.linux:fluxbox|Fluxbox]] +
-    * [[.linux:gentoo|Gentoo]] +
-    * [[.linux:gentoo-portage|Portage (Gentoo)]] +
-    * [[.linux:configs|Software configuration]] +
-    * [[.linux:amd64|AMD64]] +
-    * [[.linux:hardware|Hardware]] +
-  * Programming +
-    * [[.programming:howtos-tips|Howtos and Tips]] +
-    * [[.programming:improve-your-cpp|Improve your C++]] +
-    * [[.programming:cpp-style-tips|Tips for C++ style]] +
-    * [[.programming:c-cpp-performance|C/C++ Performance]] +
-    * [[.programming:instruction-timings|Instruction Timings]] +
-    * [[.programming:makefiles|Makefiles]] +
-    * [[.programming:visual-studio|Visual Studio]] +
-    * [[.programming:latex|Latex]] +
-  * Software +
-    * [[.software:linux-fav|Linux favorites]] +
-    * [[.software:windows-fav|Windows favorites]] +
-    * [[.software:firefox|Firefox]] +
-    * [[.software:video|Video]] +
-  * Windows +
-    * [[.windows:tips|Tips]] +
-    * [[.windows:vista|Vista]] +
-    * [[.windows:xp-x64|XP x64]] +
-  * Perso +
-    * [[.z-perso:jokes|Jokes]] +
-    * [[.z-perso:quotes|Quotes]] +
-    * [[.z-perso:pictures|Funny pictures]] +
-    * [[.z-perso:murphy|Murphy laws]] +
-    * [[.z-perso:shadoks|Shadoks]] +
- +
- +
-\\ +
- +
start.1197848680.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2013/09/19 16:42 (external edit)
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