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photo:cool-stuff [2012/01/06 17:40]
cyril [Ideas]
photo:cool-stuff [2013/09/19 16:40] (current)
Line 51: Line 51:
   * a whole day/year at your window   * a whole day/year at your window
   * a growing plant   * a growing plant
 +  * ...
Line 64: Line 65:
 ==== Tips ==== ==== Tips ====
 +  * Force a low ISO
   * If the photo is dark like stars, you should take a //dark frame// to subtract the pixel noise. With Gimp: open the image, open the dark frame "as layers", in the Layer dialog change the mode to "difference", flatten the image and save.   * If the photo is dark like stars, you should take a //dark frame// to subtract the pixel noise. With Gimp: open the image, open the dark frame "as layers", in the Layer dialog change the mode to "difference", flatten the image and save.
 ===== Focus stacking ===== ===== Focus stacking =====
photo/cool-stuff.1325871623.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/09/19 16:42 (external edit)
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