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Dokuwiki is the wiki engine I am using. It seemed the nicer, more complete and easier to use to me.

Have it working on

There was some problems to have it working on my host Free.

First you have to create a sessions folder at the root.

Then there is a problem with locks. Indeed Dokuwiki use folders to store locks, but Free doesn't allow @rmdir so that locks can't be deleted, bringing errors like :

Fatal error : mkdir(/mnt/136/
[function.mkdir] : File exists in /mnt/136/ on line 180

It seems that there are several solutions, such as disabling the locks, disabling chmod stuff, activating the safemodehack option, using files for locks instead of folders, but the solution I used is replacing line 180 of io.php by :

if( !is_dir($lockDir)) { $locked = @mkdir($lockDir, $conf[’dmode’]) ; }

The sidebar

One bottleneck of Dokuwiki in the standard version is navigation.

There is a template Sidebar which replaces the default template, which adds this sidebar with the index you can see at your left :

You just have to copy the content of the archive in Dokuwiki/lib/tpl, and either use the admin page to modify the template, or change in local.php :

$conf['template'] = 'sidebar-rc2006-09-28'; // the name of your template folder

You can change some options in sidebar/conf/tplfn_sidebar.php.

Disabling some automatic conversions

In particular if you use to write C/C++ code, you can find annoying that Dokuwiki replaced « and » by « and ».

You can do that by commenting out the lines in conf/entities.conf.

internet/dokuwiki.1166064374.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/09/19 16:42 (external edit)
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