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internet:dokuwiki [2006/12/14 14:22]
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-====== Dokuwiki ====== 
-[[http://wiki.splitbrain.org/wiki:dokuwiki|Dokuwiki]] is the wiki engine I am using. It seemed the nicer, more complete and easier to use to me. 
-===== Have it working on free.fr ===== 
-There was some problems to have it working on my host Free. 
-First you have to create a ''sessions'' folder at the root. 
-Then there is a problem with locks. Indeed Dokuwiki use folders to store locks, but Free doesn't allow ''@rmdir'' so that locks can't be deleted, bringing errors like : 
-Fatal error : mkdir(/mnt/136/free.fr/c/b/mywebsite/data/locks/599f654e33fd00b956dc320543244c03) 
-[function.mkdir] : File exists in /mnt/136/free.fr/c/b/monsite/inc/io.php on line 180 
-It seems that there are several solutions, such as disabling the locks, disabling ''chmod'' stuff, activating the ''safemodehack'' option, using files for locks instead of folders, but the solution I used is replacing line 180 of ''io.php'' by : 
-<code php> 
-if( !is_dir($lockDir)) { $locked = @mkdir($lockDir, $conf[’dmode’]) ; } 
-===== The sidebar ===== 
-One bottleneck of Dokuwiki in the standard version is navigation. 
-There is a template ''Sidebar'' which replaces the ''default'' template, which adds this sidebar with the index you can see at your left : [[http://wiki.jalakai.co.uk/dokuwiki/doku.php/start]]. 
-You just have to copy the content of the archive in ''Dokuwiki/lib/tpl'', and either use the admin page to modify the template, or change in ''local.php'' : 
-<code php> 
-$conf['template'] = 'sidebar-rc2006-09-28'; // the name of your template folder 
-You can change some options in ''sidebar/conf/tplfn_sidebar.php''. 
-===== Disabling some automatic conversions  ===== 
-In particular if you use to write C/C++ code, you can find annoying that Dokuwiki replaced ''<<'' and ''>>'' by <html>&laquo; and &raquo;</html>. 
-You can do that by commenting out the lines in ''conf/entities.conf''. 
internet/dokuwiki.1166106164.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/09/19 16:42 (external edit)
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