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ai:pattern-recognition [2007/05/22 22:21]
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-====== Pattern recognition ====== 
-===== Classical ===== 
-===Mean-Square Regression=== 
-Very fast if you already have a list of pixels you know belong to one contour, and you want to check if it fits to a parametric shape. 
-=Quick Def= 
-=Full Definition= 
-===Hough Transforms=== 
-==Standard Hough Transform== 
-==Randomized Hough Transform== 
-Improve speed, resolution, low memory needs, infinite scale. 
-=Quick Def= 
-If n parameters, take n points and only accumulate one point. 
-  - [[http://www.tsi.enst.fr/tsi/enseignement/ressources/mti/ellipses/HoughEllipse.html|Hough for ellipses [FR] ]] 
-  - [[http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/Labs/Isl/Project/Projects_done/VisionClasses/ 
-Vision_1998/Hough/hough.html|Overview of Hough Transforms [EN] ]] 
-=Full Definition= 
-==Connective Randomized Hough Transform== 
-=Quick Def= 
-  - [[http://citeseer.ifi.unizh.ch/cache/papers/cs/314/http:zSzzSzwww.it.lut. 
-connective-randomized-hough-transform.pdf| Main Article [EN] ]] 
-=Full Definition= 
-==Combinatorial Hough Transform== 
-=Quick Def= 
-=Full Definition= 
-==Adaptive Hough Transform== 
-Improve speed and resolution. 
-=Quick Def= 
-First time at low resolution, then second time at higher resolution where there are peaks. 
-=Full Definition= 
-==Probabilistic Hough Transform== 
-Improve speed. 
-=Quick Def= 
-Only process n% of the pixels. 
-=Full Definition= 
-==Adaptive Probabilistic Hough Transform== 
-=Quick Def= 
-=Full Definition= 
-==Progressive Probabilistic Hough Transform== 
-=Quick Def= 
-=Full Definition= 
-==Hierarchical Hough Transform== 
-=Quick Def= 
-=Full Definition= 
-==Sampling Hough Transform== 
-=Quick Def= 
-  - http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel2/640/5939/00230479.pdf?isnumber=&arnumber=230479 
-=Full Definition= 
-==Generalized Hough Transform== 
-=Quick Def= 
-=Full Definition= 
-===UpWrite method=== 
-  - http://historical.ncstrl.org/litesite-data/uwa_ee/tr95-03.ps.gz 
-===== Learning ===== 
ai/pattern-recognition.1179872499.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2013/09/19 16:43 (external edit)
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