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ai:classification [2007/05/22 22:20]
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-====== Classification ====== 
-===== MLP ===== 
-Multi Layers Perceptron, //PMC (Perceptron Multi-Couches)// 
-====Gradient Backpropagation==== 
-//Rétropropagation du Gradient// 
-===with Inertia=== 
-===Simulated Annealing=== 
-//Recuit Simulé// 
-=Quick Def= 
-second order 
-Radial Basis Functions Neural Networks 
-    * __k-means then gradient descent__ 
-    * __incremental addition of neurons then exact method__ 
-Support Vectors Machine 
-=====Decision tree===== 
-//arbre de d�cision// 
-    * __ID3__ (based on entropy) 
-=====k-nearest neighbors===== 
-//k plus proches voisins// 
-====== Regression ====== 
-  * **MLP (Multi Layers Perceptron)** 
-  * **RBFNN (Radial Basis Functions Neural Network)** 
-  * **SVR (Support Vectors Regressor)** 
ai/classification.1179872457.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/09/19 16:43 (external edit)
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