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Table of Contents
Catalog of methods in AI/vision/robotics
This is a classification of techniques and algorithms, in order to give a broad view of solutions available to deal with classical problems.
Other pages contain some more details about, which can be seen as memos with references to find more information (with the origin paper when possible).
Supervised learning
- MLP (Multi Layers Perceptron) - PMC (Perceptron multicouches)
- gradient backpropagation - rétropropagation du gradient
- stochastic
- with inertia
- simulated annealing - recuit simulé
- newton (second order)
- RBFNN (Radial Basis Functions Neural Networks)
- k-means then gradient descent
- incremental addition of neurons then exact method
- SVM (Support Vectors Machine)
- Decision tree - arbre de décision
- ID3 (based on entropy)
- k-nearest neighbors - k plus proches voisins
- Boosting
- Boosting by majority
- AdaBoost (ADAptive BOOSTing)
- Discrete AdaBoost
- Real AdaBoost
- Gentle AdaBoost
- LogitBoost
- FloatBoost
- AdaBoost.Reg
- Multiclass AdaBoost.M1
- Multiclass AdaBoost.M2
- Multilabel AdaBoost.MR
- Multilabel AdaBoost.MH
- Multiclass AdaBoost.MO
- Multiclass AdaBoost.OC
- Multiclass AdaBoost.ECC
- GrPloss
- BoostMA
- AdaBoost.M1W
- SAMME (Stagewise Additive Modeling using a Multi-class Exponential loss function)
- GAMBLE (Gentle Adaptive Multiclass Boosting Learning)
- UBoost
- LPBoost (Linear Programming BOOSTing)
- TotalBoost
- RotBoost
- alphaBoost
- CGBoost (Conjugate Gradient BOOSTing)
- Bootstrap Aggregating
- Cascades of detectors [+]
- Trees of detectors
- MLP (Multi Layers Perceptron)
- RBFNN (Radial Basis Functions Neural Network)
- SVR (Support Vectors Regressor)
Pattern recognition
- Viola-Jones Detector
- with extended set of haar features
- Rotation Invariant
Unsupervised learning
Vector quantization / Clustering
- Sequential leader
- k-means - k-moyennes
- GNG (Growing Neural Gas)
- Auto-organizing maps (Kohonen) - cartes auto-organisatrices de Kohonen
Reinforcement learning
- MDP (Markov Decision Processes)
- Q-learning
- Value iteration
- Policy iteration
State space search
- A*
- WA*
- IDA*
- Dijkstra
- GraphPlan
- Stan
- SATplan (SATisfiability PLANning)
- Genetic algorithms - algorithmes génétiques
- Ant colonies - colonies de fourmis
Path planning
- Configurations space
- Potential fields
Color Quantization
- RGB cone
- YUV polygon
- HSV rectangle
- Lab
Image segmentation
- Floodfill - inondation
- Watershed - lignes de partage des eaux
Edge detection
- Canny detector
- Canny-Deriche
Pattern recognition
- Mean-Square Regression - Régression aux moindres carrés
- Hough Transforms
- Standard Hough Transform
- Randomized Hough Transform
- Connective Randomized Hough Transform
- Combinatorial Hough Transform
- Adaptive Hough Transform
- Probabilistic Hough Transform
- Adaptive Probabilistic Hough Transform
- Progressive Probabilistic Hough Transform
- Hierarchical Hough Transform
- Sampling Hough Transform
- Generalized Hough Transform
- UpWrite method
- Curvogram
- Kalman Filter
- Generalized Kalman Filter
- Correlation Tracking
- ACA (Area Correlation Algorithm)
- KLT Tracker (Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi)
- IPAN Tracker
- MeanShift
- Features detection
- Harris detector
- Susan detector
- Multiresolution Contrast detector
Sensors fusion
- Kalman filter
- Particles filter (bayesian network) - filtrage particulaire