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Table of Contents
Catalog of methods in AI/vision/robotics
This is a classification of techniques and algorithms, giving only keywords …
Supervised learning
- MLP (Multi Layers Perceptron) - PMC (Perceptron multicouches)
- gradient backpropagation - rétropropagation du gradient
- stochastic
- with inertia
- simulated annealing - recuit simulé
- newton (second order)
- RBFNN (Radial Basis Functions Neural Networks)
- k-means then gradient descent
- incremental addition of neurons then exact method
- SVM (Support Vectors Machine)
- Decision tree - arbre de décision
- ID3 (based on entropy)
- k-nearest neighbors - k plus proches voisins
- Boosting
- AdaBoost (ADAptive BOOSTing)
- Discrete AdaBoost
- Real AdaBoost
- Gentle AdaBoost
- LogitBoost
- FloatBoost
- AdaBoost.Reg
- Multiclass AdaBoost.M1
- Multiclass AdaBoost.M2
- Multilabel AdaBoost.MR
- Multilabel AdaBoost.MH
- SAMME (Stagewise Additive Modeling using a Multi-class Exponential loss function)
- GAMBLE (Gentle Adaptive Multiclass Boosting Learning)
- LPBoost (Linear Programming BOOSTing)
- TotalBoost
- RotBoost
- alphaBoost
- CGBoost (Conjugate Gradient BOOSTing)
- Bootstrap Aggregating
- Cascades of detectors [+]
- Trees of detectors
- MLP (Multi Layers Perceptron)
- RBFNN (Radial Basis Functions Neural Network)
- SVR (Support Vectors Regressor)
Pattern recognition
- Viola-Jones Detector
- with extended set of haar features
- Rotation Invariant
Unsupervised learning
Vector quantization / Clustering
- Sequential leader
- k-means - k-moyennes
- GNG (Growing Neural Gas)
- Auto-organizing maps (Kohonen) - cartes auto-organisatrices de Kohonen
Reinforcement learning
- MDP (Markov Decision Processes)
- Q-learning
- Value iteration
- Policy iteration
State space search
- A*
- WA*
- IDA*
- Dijkstra
- GraphPlan
- Stan
- SATplan (SATisfiability PLANning)
- Genetic algorithms - algorithmes génétiques
- Ant colonies - colonies de fourmis
Path planning
- Configurations space
- Potential fields
Color Quantization
- RGB cone
- YUV polygon
- HSV rectangle
- Lab
Image segmentation
- Floodfill - inondation
- Watershed - lignes de partage des eaux
- Anti-noise (smoothing)
- Median Filter - filtre médian
- Vector Median Filter
- Kuwahara filter
- Peer Group Filtering
- Anisotropic Filtering
- Gradient
- Prewitt [+]
- Roberts
- Sobel
- Laplace
- Scharr
- Morphological
- dilation - dilatation
- erosion - érosion
- opening - ouverture
- closing - fermeture
Edge detection
- Canny detector
- Canny-Deriche
Pattern recognition
- Mean-Square Regression - Régression aux moindres carrés
- Hough Transforms
- Standard Hough Transform
- Randomized Hough Transform
- Connective Randomized Hough Transform
- Combinatorial Hough Transform
- Adaptive Hough Transform
- Probabilistic Hough Transform
- Adaptive Probabilistic Hough Transform
- Progressive Probabilistic Hough Transform
- Hierarchical Hough Transform
- Sampling Hough Transform
- Generalized Hough Transform
- UpWrite method
- Curvogram
- Kalman Filter
- Generalized Kalman Filter
- Correlation Tracking
- ACA (Area Correlation Algorithm)
- KLT Tracker (Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi)
- IPAN Tracker
- MeanShift
- Features detection
- Harris detector
- Susan detector
- Multiresolution Contrast detector
Sensors fusion
- Kalman filter
- Particles filter (bayesian network) - filtrage particulaire