Don't forget you can use zoom to change increment when setting script parameters values (+1, +10, +100, …).
Unless said otherwise, these scripts have only been tested on SD1000_IXUS70. If you have tested successfully one of them on other cameras, tell me in the discussion area at the bottom of the page and I will update the descriptions.
When shooting live subject or without a tripod by night, you don't necessarily know if the best way is to use flash or not, and high ISO or not. This script takes successively three shots with low ISO, flash, and high ISO, so that you can choose afterward which one is the best one. High ISO also enables dark frame substraction for noise reduction, whatever the exposure time is (it really reduces noise due to high ISO).
File: photo/bracket-night.bas -
rem Author: cyril42e <> rem Camera: SD1000_IXUS70 and DIGIC III cameras rem Camera: For DIGIC II cameras, change set/get_prop 143->16, 149->21 rem Description: Takes successively three shots at low iso, with flash, and high iso with noise reduction, so that the best shot can be kept afterward @title Night bracketting (ISO+flash) @param a Take LowIso @default a 1 @param b Take Flash @default b 1 @param c Take HighIso @default c 1 rem save flash, iso get_prop 143 f get_prop 149 i n=get_raw_nr rem set flash off, iso auto normal set_prop 143 2 set_prop 149 0 rem shoot if a=1 then print "shooting low iso" shoot endif if b=1 then rem set flash on set_prop 143 1 rem shoot print "shooting flash" shoot rem set flash off set_prop 143 2 endif rem shoot if c=1 then rem set iso auto hi and noise reduction on set_prop 149 1 set_raw_nr 2 print "shooting high iso" shoot endif rem restore flash, iso and nr :restore set_prop 143 f set_prop 149 i set_raw_nr n end
script)File: photo/bracket-ev.bas -
rem Author: cyril42e <> rem Camera: SD1000_IXUS70 and DIGIC III cameras rem Camera: For DIGIC II cameras, replace get/set_prop 207->26, 206->205 rem Description: EV Bracketing @title EV Bracketing @param a Range (1/3 EV, even) @default a 12 @param b Number of shots (odd) @default b 3 rem check input and save if a<2 then b=2 if a%2 = 1 then a = a+1 if b<3 then b=3 if b%2 = 0 then b = b+1 get_prop 207 o r=get_raw set_raw 1 rem step c=a/(b-1) rem go to first ev f = -(a/2) - c rem shoot for n=1 to b f = f+c e = f*32 set_prop 207 e print "shot",n,"of",b,"at",f,"/3 EV" rem prepare the shot : shoot_half and wait ready press "shoot_half" do get_prop 206 g until g=1 sleep 50 get_tv96 t if t=0 then gosub "adjust_exposure" shoot else shoot release "shoot_half" endif next n rem restore :restore set_prop 207 o set_raw r end :adjust_exposure rem read bv (luminance), sv (iso speed), av (aperture), and ev shift get_bv96 B get_sv96 S get_av96 A rem set tv (exposure time) : tv = bv + sv - av (- ev) (apex) t=B+S-A-e set_tv96_direct t sleep 100 release "shoot_half" return
File: photo/bracket-focus.bas -
rem Author: cyril42e <> rem Camera: SD1000_IXUS70 and DIGIC III cameras rem Camera: For DIGIC II cameras, replace get/set_prop 206->205 rem Description: Focus bracketing computing dynamically the steps with regards to the DOF. rem If not infinite, the range is applied around the detected focus distance @title Focus Bracketing @param a Range (cm, -1=infty) @default a -1 @param m Min Dist (cm) @default m 1 if m<1 then m=1 m=m*10 rem compute extreme limits if a=-1 then b=m get_hyp_dist c else press "shoot_half" do get_prop 206 z until z=1 get_focus z release "shoot_half" a=a*5 b=z-a c=z+a if b<m then b=m endif endif print b,"->",c,"mm" rem shoot w=0 f=b; while w<>-1 set_focus f print "shoot at",f,"mm" shoot get_near_limit u get_focus v get_far_limit w d=w-u e=v/10 if d<e then d=e f=v+d wend end
Canon SD1000/IXUS70 has a built-in time lapse movie feature. However the interval can only be 1s or 2s. There are time lapse scripts, but they often are too slow for intervals shorter than 1s. Actually the built-in time lapse feature can deal with any interval, given in the property case #265. This script just changes this property.
File: photo/interval-builtin.bas -
rem Author: cyril42e <> rem Camera: SD1000_IXUS70 (and maybe other DIGIC III cameras with built-in time lapse video feature) rem Description: Allows custom built-in time-lapse movie interval @title Time lapse interval @param a interval_ms @default a 500 rem set the interval set_prop 165 a sleep 200 rem read the interval and display it for verification get_prop 165 b print "val: ",b,"ms" end
A lot of intervalometers use the sleep command, but this is not precise and it does not take into account the time necessary to shoot (up to several seconds with metering). This script uses the get_tick_count command so is a lot more reliable.
File: photo/interval-accurate.bas -
rem Author: cyril42e <> (based on Divalent's "accurate intervalometer" script) rem Camera: SD1000_IXUS70 and DIGIC III cameras rem Camera: for DIGIC II, change get/set_prop 218->24, 57->23, 102->6 rem Description: Accurate intervalometer that uses get_tick_count function @title Accurate Intervalometer @param a Number of shots (0=endless) @default a 200 @param b Delay (min) @default b 0 @param c Delay (sec) @default c 0 @param e Interval (min) @default e 0 @param f Interval (sec) @default f 5 @param y PicSize (-1:468=keep,L,M123,S,PC,W) @default y 3 @param z PicQual (-1:2=keep,SF,F,N) @default z 2 rem == IF CHDK without "restore" management rem print "stop this script using" rem print "shoot_half key," rem print "not shoot_full" rem == END rem set picture size and qual get_prop 218 Y if y<>-1 and Y<>y then set_prop 218 y get_prop 57 Z if z<>-1 and Z<>z then set_prop 57 z rem prepare variables if a<1 then a=1 h=b*60000+c*1000 if h<0 then h=0 d=e*60000+f*1000 if d<1 then d=1 i=0 if a<=0 then a=100 i=1 endif rem wait and first shoot sleep h n=1 s=get_tick_count if i then print "Shot", n else print "Shot", n, "of", a endif click "shoot_full" rem loop for all shoots :loop for n=2 to a s=s+d while get_tick_count < s rem == IF CHDK without "restore" management rem wait_click 50 rem is_key k "shoot_half" rem if k=1 then goto "restore" rem == END wend if i then print "Shot", n else print "Shot", n, "of", a endif click "shoot_full" next n if i then goto "loop" rem restore state :restore set_prop 218 Y set_prop 57 Z end
Classic intervalometers cannot be faster than ~2s interval, except built-in intervalometer but which is limited to 640×480 resolution. This script uses the continuous mode to take pictures at any resolution with interval ~0.5 to 0.8s.
File: photo/interval-continuous.bas -
rem Author: cyril42e <> (based on Divalent's "fast intervalometer" script) rem Camera: SD1000_IXUS70 rem for DIGIC II, change get/set_prop 207->26, 206->205, 218->24, 57->23, 102->6 rem for other cameras than SD1000_IXUS70, adapt :set_mode function according to the GUI of the camera rem Description: Uses continuous mode to do a fast intervalometer rem (but without control over interval, and without focus&exposure update between shots) @title Continuous Intervalometer @param a Duration (min) @default a 2 @param b Duration (sec) @default b 0 @param c Delay (min) @default c 0 @param d Delay (sec) @default d 2 @param y PicSize (-1:468=keep,L,M123,S,PC,W) @default y 3 @param z PicQual (-1:2=keep,SF,F,N) @default z 2 rem ##################### rem ## CONFIG rem == IF CHDK without "restore" management rem print "stop this script using" rem print "set or shoot_half keys," rem print "not shoot_full" rem == END rem set picture size and qual get_prop 218 Y if y<>-1 and Y<>y then set_prop 218 y get_prop 57 Z if z<>-1 and Z<>z then set_prop 57 z X=1 gosub "set_mode" rem prepare variables d=c*60000+d*1000 if d<2000 then d=2000 b=a*60000+b*1000 if b<2000 then b=2000 rem wait to start sleep d rem start shooting press "shoot_half" do get_prop 206 f until f=1 press "shoot_full" rem and wait v=get_tick_count + b while get_tick_count < v rem == IF CHDK without "restore" management rem wait_click 50 rem is_key k "shoot_half" rem if k=1 then goto "restore" rem == END rem test continuous has failed get_prop 206 f if f <> 1 then release "shoot_full" release "shoot_half" press "shoot_half" do get_prop 206 f until f=1 press "shoot_full" endif wend rem restore state :restore release "shoot_full" release "shoot_half" set_prop 218 Y set_prop 57 Z X=g gosub "set_mode" end rem set mode to X :set_mode get_prop 102 e g=e i=0 while e<>X and i<6 click "down" i=i+1 get_prop 102 e wend if g<>X then click "set" if e<>X then goto "set_mode" return
My Casio S600 has a very good night mode, that uses very long exposure time with low ISO. It allows to take beautiful shots by night with a tripod. Canon SD1000 never set exposure time greater than 1” in automatic mode, and in in manual mode you have to try several times to find the good exposure time.
This script:
File: photo/night-shot.bas -
rem Author: cyril42e <> rem Camera: SD1000_IXUS70 and DIGIC III cameras rem Camera: For DIGIC II, replace set/get_prop 207->26, 206->205 rem Description: Auto sets long exposure (> 1") for night shots with tripod, with 2s delay @title Long exposure night shot rem prepare the shot : shoot_half and wait ready press "shoot_half" do get_prop 206 c until c=1 rem read bv (luminance), sv (iso speed), av (aperture), and ev shift get_bv96 b get_sv96 s get_av96 a get_prop 207 e rem set tv (exposure time) : tv = bv + sv - av (- ev) (apex) get_tv96 t print "old tv96:",t t=b+s-a-e print "new tv96:",t set_tv96_direct t sleep 100 release "shoot_half" rem wait additional 2s and shoot with new exposure sleep 2000 f=get_tick_count shoot g=get_tick_count-f print "shot length",g,"ms" end
This script aims at having the shutter opened the most possible time, eg to shot lightning. Exposition is computed with night-shot.bas
script so that background exposure is ok. Dark frame substraction is canceled, but you can shot in RAW, shot one dark frame, and substract afterwards.
This script:
File: photo/open-shutter.bas -
rem Author: cyril42e <> rem Camera: SD1000_IXUS70 rem Camera: For DIGIC II, replace set/get_prop 207->26, 206->205, 218->24, 57->23, 102->6 rem Description: Continuously take long exposure shots rem (combination of interval-continuous.bas and night-shot.bas with dark frame subtraction removal) @title Open Shutter @param a Delay (min) @default a 0 @param b Delay (sec) @default b 2 @param c Duration (min) @default c 2 @param d Duration (sec) @default d 0 rem ##################### rem ## CONFIG rem == IF CHDK without "restore" management print "stop this script using" print "shoot_half keys," print "not shoot_full" rem == END n=get_raw_nr set_raw_nr 1 Z=1 gosub "set_mode" rem ##################### rem ## COMPUTE EXP rem prepare the shot : shoot_half press "shoot_half" rem wait ready to shot do get_prop 206 C until C=1 rem read bv (luminance), sv (iso speed), av (aperture), and ev (exposure shift) get_bv96 B get_sv96 S get_av96 A get_prop 207 E rem set tv (exposure time) : tv = bv + sv - av (- ev) (apex) T=B+S-A-E set_tv96_direct T sleep 100 rem release release "shoot_half" rem convert to ms d=c*60000+d*1000 if d<2000 then d=2000 b=a*60000+b*1000 if b<2000 then b=2000 rem ##################### rem ## WAIT DELAY AND SHOOT sleep b rem first get camera to lock in focus and exposure press "shoot_half" do get_prop 206 f until f=1 sleep 100 rem shoot continous press "shoot_full" v=get_tick_count + d while get_tick_count < v rem == IF CHDK without "restore" management rem wait_click 50 rem is_key k "shoot_half" rem if k=1 then goto "restore" rem == END rem test continuous has failed get_prop 206 f if f<> 1 then release "shoot_full" release "shoot_half" press "shoot_half" do get_prop 206 f until f=1 press "shoot_full" endif wend rem restore :restore release "shoot_full" release "shoot_half" Z=g gosub "set_mode" set_raw_nr n end rem set mode to Z :set_mode get_prop 102 e g=e i=0 while e<>Z and i<6 click "down" i=i+1 get_prop 102 e wend if g<>Z then click "set" if e<>Z then goto "set_mode" return
File: photo/motion-shot.bas -
rem Author: cyril42e <> rem Camera: SD1000_IXUS70 and DIGIC III cameras rem Camera: For DIGIC II, replace set/get_prop 206->205, 102->6 rem for other cameras than SD1000_IXUS70, adapt :set_mode function according to the GUI of the camera rem Description: Triggers a shot when movement is detected. Auto focus/exposure is done each shot, but you can lock them before @title Motion Shot @param a Columns @default a 8 @param b Rows @default b 6 @param c Threshold (0-255) @default c 10 @param d Compare Interval (ms) @default d 20 @param e Pix-Step (speed vs accur) @default e 10 @param f Action1 (2^=sht/lg/dmp/prss) @default f 1 @param g Action2 (1:3=shot,cont,mov) @default g 0 @param h Movie/Burst length (s) @default h 10 @param i Draw Grid (0/1) @default i 0 @param j Timeout (s) @default j 120 @param k Delay (ms) @default k 1500 @param l Measure (0:5=UYVRGB) @default l 1 @param m Region (0:2=no/inc/exc) @default m 0 @param n Region Left @default n 1 @param o Region Right @default o 1 @param p Region Top @default p 1 @param q Region Bottom @default q 1 rem set continuous if g=1 then X=1 gosub "set_mode" endif rem prepare variables j=j*1000 h=h*1000 if g=1 or g=2 then v=1 else v=0 endif if g=2 or g=3 or (f|8) then w=1 else w=0 endif s=0 while 1 get_prop 206 t if g<>3 then press "shoot_half" do get_prop 206 z until z=1 endif r=0 md_detect_motion a, b, l, j, d, c, i, r, m, n, p, o, q, f, e, 100 if r>0 and v then press "shoot_full" if r>0 and g=3 then click "print" u=get_tick_count if r>0 then print "shot",s s=s+1 endif if w then gosub "wait_end_record" if t then sleep 1000 else do get_prop 206 z until z=1 endif release "shoot_full" release "shoot_half" wend rem restore :restore if g=1 then X=G gosub "set_mode" endif end :wait_end_record r=0 md_detect_motion a, b, l, (h-get_tick_count+u), d, c, i, r, o, n, p, m, q, 0, e, k if r>0 then u=get_tick_count goto wait_end_record else if g=3 then click "print" else release "shoot_full" endif endif return rem set mode to X :set_mode get_prop 102 E G=E I=0 while E<>X and I<6 click "down" I=I+1 get_prop 102 E wend if G<>X then click "set" if E<>X then goto "set_mode" return