Very fast if you already have a list of pixels you know belong to one contour, and you want to check if it fits to a parametric shape.
Improve speed, resolution, low memory needs, infinite scale.
If n parameters, take n points and only accumulate one point.
=Full Definition=
Improve speed and resolution.
First time at low resolution, then second time at higher resolution where there are peaks.
Improve speed.
Only process n% of the pixels.
[Viola,Jones, 2001]
Cascade of boosted classifiers based on Haar-like features.
[Lienhart,Maydt, 2002]
Basic features are line features, edge features, and center surrounded features, all of them horizontal or vertical. The extended set also includes 45° rotated features, and an optional diagonal feature.
Stumps are single node trees, and CART (Classification And Regression Trees) more complex trees with a few nodes (4 or 5).
Obvious way to deal with multiview.