====== Simple PHP Blog ======
===== Feeds =====
If you want to create different RSS feeds for each of your categories, use the ''c'' variable in ''rss.php''. For example to see only posts in category number 1 :
You can also put several categories in the feed :
There is no native support of comments feed, but you can find a patch [[http://schneible.net/commentrss.zip|here]].
===== Modifications =====
I use the theme ''slick'', but I have done some changes :
* Changed the font from Book Antica to Arial in themes/slick/style.css:96
* Changed the order of sidebar plugins in themes/slick/themes.php
* Added links to RSS Feeds for each category and comments in themes/slick/themes.php
* Removed the ''Search'' caption in the search plugin in themes/slick/themes.php
* Add categories in title
+// Display CATEGORIES
+// This is an array. There can be multiple categories per entry.
+if ( array_key_exists( "categories", $entry_array ) ) {
+ $blog_content .= ' {';
+ for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $entry_array[ 'categories' ] ); $i++ ) {
+ $cat_id = $entry_array[ 'categories_id' ][$i];
+ if ( $i > 0 )
+ {
+ if (intval($prev_id/100) != intval($cat_id/100))
+ $blog_content .= ' | ';
+ else
+ $blog_content .= ', ';
+ }
+ $prev_id = $cat_id;
+ $blog_content .= '' .
+ $entry_array[ 'categories' ][$i] . '';
+ }
+ $blog_content .= '}';
Some changes in the core too:
* Changed ''blog_footer'' into ''blog_description'' at scripts/sb_feed.php:57 for the '''' node because a footer is not a description...
* Changed some code in order to allow to display sets of categories (''index.php?category=2,3,4''):
-$cat_sub_arr = get_sub_categories($category);
-array_push( $cat_sub_arr, $category );
+$cats = split( ',', $category);
+$cat_sub_arr = array();
+for ($i = 0; $i < count($cats); $i++)
+ $subcats = get_sub_categories($cats[$i]);
+ for ($j = 0; $j < count($subcats); $j++)
+ array_push($cat_sub_arr, $subcats[$j]);
+ array_push($cat_sub_arr, $cats[$i]);
* Create URL link for comment posters
$entry_array[ 'website' ] = blog_to_html( $website, true, false, true );
+$entry_array[ 'comment' ][ 'url' ] = $comment_entry_data[ 'URL' ];