====== Mapping and GPS ======
===== OruxMaps =====
The almost perfect GPS/Mapping Android application, for browsing maps and recording tracks.
==== Additional sources ====
* IGN :geoportail.frGeoPortail]]>018MERCATORESFERICAMozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.1.2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.109 Mobile Safari/537.36http://geoportail.gouv.fr1100Old variant:
* Google :Google Maps019MERCATORESFERICA0,1,2,31100Google Earth020MERCATORESFERICA0,1,2,31100Google Terrain015MERCATORESFERICA0,1,2,31100
* Spanish IGNBase IGN (ES)Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica (ES)]]>118MERCATORESFERICA{om}1100PNOA IGN (ES)Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica (ES)]]>118MERCATORESFERICA{om}1100Raster IGN (ES)Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica (ES)]]>118MERCATORESFERICA{om}1100
===== MOBAC =====
Runs on computer to allow creation of offline maps, that can be used then with OruxMaps for instance.
==== Additional sources ====
* IGN (''geoportail.ksh'')
name = "IGN Geoportail maps";
tileType = "jpg";
tileSize = 256;
minZoom = 0;
maxZoom = 18;
tileUpdate = TileUpdate.IfModifiedSince;
backgroundColor = "#ffffff";
ignoreError = "False";
String getTileUrl( int zoom, int x, int y ) {
return "http://gpp3-wxs.ign.fr/tyujsdxmzox31ituc2uw0qwl/wmts?SERVICE=WMTS&VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=GetTile&LAYER=GEOGRAPHICALGRIDSYSTEMS.MAPS&STYLE=normal&FORMAT=image/jpeg&TILEMATRIXSET=PM&TILEMATRIX="
+ zoom + "&TILEROW=" + y + "&TILECOL=" + x;
void addHeaders( java.net.HttpURLConnection conn) {
conn.addRequestProperty("User-Agent","Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Windows) Chrome/38.0.2125.101");
===== Geocaching =====
* www.geocaching.com : main website to find caches
* http://gctour.madd.in : greasemonkey script to get additional features on geocaching.com (easy download of geocaches with full description). Had to apply the following modifs to make gpx download work:
< date_format = $('select#ctl00_ContentBody_uxDateTimeFormat option:selected', response_div).val();
> date_format = "MM/dd/yyyy";
* Perl script to convert the gpx to be displayed in OruxMaps (inspired from [[http://oruxmaps.forosactivos.net/t1924-geocaching-with-pocket-queries|this script]]) (''perl gs2gpx.pl file.gpx''):
open INF,"@ARGV[0]";
@gpx = ;
close INF;
open OUTF,">@ARGV[0].out.gpx";
$size = $#gpx + 1;
while ($x < $size){
print OUTF "$gpx[$x]";
if ($gpx[$x] =~ //){
until ($gpx[$x] =~ /<\/wpt>/){
$wpt .= $gpx[$x];
$wpt =~ /
===== Pyrenees-refuges.com =====
Get a GPX file of all the refuges : [[www.pyrenees-refuges.com/google/base2bayo.php]]. Be careful, there may be "&" characters that render the file ill-formated.