====== Configuration of some software ======
===== Linux =====
==== Your own locale ====
Maybe you don't like any predefined locale ; it was my case.
[[http://crteknologies.fr/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=linux:en_fr_euro.txt|Here]] you can find a "en_FR@euro" locale that I have defined :
* English messages (because french messages are often strangely translated, and there is less information on the internet)
* "yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss" date format, because it is logical, and alphanumerical sort is date sort !
* "." as decimal separator, because even French people do not write "," with a keyboard ...
* " " (space) as thousands separator, because it is the French standard, and not so bad
* French monetary (except decimal and thousands separators)
* French for other features (telephone, address, measurement etc)
Rename the file to "en_FR@euro", and copy it in ''/usr/share/i18n/locales'' (you will find there all other locales, and you can look at it to make your own locale).
Add "en_FR@euro ISO-8859-15" (or UTF8) to ''/etc/locale.gen'', and run ''locale-gen''.
Now you can use the ''en_FR@euro.ISO-8859-15'' locale by exporting LC_ALL environment variable in your bashrc or zshrc or zshenv file, or even in ''/etc/env.d/02locale'' to set it for all users.
===== ZSH =====
==== Config files ====
As for all shells, there are several configuration files, loaded in the order :
.zshenv --> always loaded, first
.zprofile --> loaded if login shell
.zshrc --> loaded if interactive shell
.zlogin --> loaded when a user logins
.zlogout --> loaded when a user logouts
==== Prompt ====
A nice prompt which prints only the two first and two last folder names of the current path (instead of the whole path or only the last folder) :
if [ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ]; then
# root prompt : blue
export PS1="%{^[[33;39;1m%}%T%{^[[0m%} %{^[[33;34;1m%}%n%{^[[0m^[[33;34;1m%}@%{^[[33;39;1m%}%m %{^[[33;34;1m%}%(5~|%-2~..%2~|%~)%{^[[0m^[[33;34;1m%}%#%{^[[0m%} "
# user prompt : red
export PS1="%{^[[33;39;1m%}%T%{^[[0m%} %{^[[33;31;1m%}%n%{^[[0m^[[33;31;1m%}@%{^[[33;39;1m%}%m %{^[[33;31;1m%}%(5~|%-2~..%2~|%~)%{^[[0m^[[33;31;1m%}%#%{^[[0m%} "
It gives something like :
17:59 cyril@cyrilr /mnt/fat..5_Archi/annales%
==== Use the directory stack ====
Zsh permits to use the directory stack very easily, in ''zshrc'' :
alias d='popd' # simple alias
setopt auto_pushd # auto pushd with cd
setopt pushd_ignore_dups # ignore double names of the same directory
setopt pushd_silent # don't print the directory when popd or pushd
Then you can type ''d'' as many times you want to move back all ''cd'' you've done.
==== History size ====
It is always painful to lose what you have typed in your shell 20 lines above. You can tune it in ''zshrc'' :
export HISTORY=500
export HISTSIZE=500
export SAVEHIST=500
==== Key bindings ====
In order to use //navigation// keys, still in ''zshrc'' :
bindkey '^A' beginning-of-line # Home
bindkey '^E' end-of-line # End
bindkey '^D' delete-char # Del
bindkey '^[[3~' delete-char # Del
bindkey '^[[2~' overwrite-mode # Insert
bindkey '^[[5~' history-search-backward # PgUp
bindkey '^[[6~' history-search-forward # PgDn
bindkey '\e[7~' beginning-of-line # Home mrxvt
bindkey '\e[8~' end-of-line # End mrxvt
bindkey '^[[1~' beginning-of-line # Home rxvt
bindkey '^[[4~' end-of-line # End rxvt
bindkey '^[[H' beginning-of-line # Home xterm
bindkey '^[[F' end-of-line # End xterm
==== Aliases ====
Still in ''zshrc'' :
### ls
alias ll='ls -l'
alias la='ls -a'
alias lla='ls -la'
### misc
alias c='clear'
alias less='less --quiet'
alias s='cd ..'
alias d='popd'
### df & du
alias df='df --human-readable'
# sorted du in one pass
alias du='du -a -x --max-depth=1 --human-readable > /mnt/ram/dunosort ;
cat /mnt/ram/dunosort | grep -v -E "^[0123456789\.]+[KMG]\>" | sort -n > /mnt/ram/dusort ;
cat /mnt/ram/dunosort | grep -E "^[0123456789\.]+[K]\>" | sort -n >> /mnt/ram/dusort ;
cat /mnt/ram/dunosort | grep -E "^[0123456789\.]+[M]\>" | sort -n >> /mnt/ram/dusort ;
cat /mnt/ram/dunosort | grep -E "^[0123456789\.]+[G]\>" | sort -n >> /mnt/ram/dusort ;
cat /mnt/ram/dusort'
# sorted du in two pass
#alias du='du -a -x --max-depth=1 -b > /mnt/ram/duab.list;
# du -a -x --max-depth=1 --human-readable > /mnt/ram/dua.list;
# paste /mnt/ram/duab.list /mnt/ram/dua.list | sort -n | cut --fields=3,4'
===== MRXVT =====
==== History size ====
It is always painful to lose what you have typed in your shell 20 lines above. You can tune it in ''mrxvtrc'' :
mrxvt.saveLines: 10000
==== Appearence ====
mrxvt.showMenu: False
mrxvt.background: black
mrxvt.foreground: white
mrxvt.scrollbarStyle: plain
mrxvt.itabBackground: grey
mrxvt.scrollColor: white
mrxvt.troughColor: grey
mrxvt.tabBackground: white
==== Shortcuts ====
Mrxvt.macro.Shift+Left: GotoTab -1
Mrxvt.macro.Shift+Right: GotoTab +1
Mrxvt.macro.Primary+Shift+Return: Esc \ec
Mrxvt.macro.Ctrl+t: NewTab
Mrxvt.macro.Ctrl+Shift+w: Close 0
==== Other tunings ====
mrxvt.syncTabTitle: False
mrxvt.syncTabIcon: False