====== Howtos and Tips ====== ===== DynDNS ===== DynDNS is a service that allows you to have a static domain name even if you don't have a static IP. You have to : - create a free account at [[http://www.dyndns.com/]] or another provider. Usually you can also configure a real domain name as a dynamic host (eg OVH). - configure a //Dynamic DNS// in this account - install a software client on your computer that will automatically update the hostname ([[http://www.dyndns.com/support/clients/|DynDNS Updater]] for Windows or [[http://www.dyndns.com/support/clients/mac.html|Mac]], [[http://www.dyndns.com/support/clients/unix.html|ddclient or inadyn]] for Linux) - or you can also configure your modem if it supports DynDNS (//NeufBox//, ...), then you don't need to install a client. ==== Trick to use providers unsupported by your modem ==== Several modems (//NeufBox//, ...) only support dyndns.org, which makes it impossible to use a real domain name bought to a real registrar. Fortunately there is a trick : you have to add a DNS entry in your modem for making "dyndns.org" point to the IP address of your real provider. Source : [[http://www.dyndns.fr/routeur-box-dyndns.html|dyndns.fr]] Needs testing with OVH. Problem: Neufbox 4 limits the user name at 15 characters, and the domain name at 20 characters...