Table of Contents

Configuration of some software


Your own locale

Maybe you don't like any predefined locale ; it was my case.

Here you can find a “en_FR@euro” locale that I have defined :

Rename the file to “en_FR@euro”, and copy it in /usr/share/i18n/locales (you will find there all other locales, and you can look at it to make your own locale).

Add “en_FR@euro ISO-8859-15” (or UTF8) to /etc/locale.gen, and run locale-gen.

Now you can use the en_FR@euro.ISO-8859-15 locale by exporting LC_ALL environment variable in your bashrc or zshrc or zshenv file, or even in /etc/env.d/02locale to set it for all users.


Config files

As for all shells, there are several configuration files, loaded in the order :

.zshenv    --> always loaded, first
.zprofile  --> loaded if login shell
.zshrc     --> loaded if interactive shell
.zlogin    --> loaded when a user logins
.zlogout   --> loaded when a user logouts


A nice prompt which prints only the two first and two last folder names of the current path (instead of the whole path or only the last folder) :

if [ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ]; then
# root prompt : blue
  export PS1="%{^[[33;39;1m%}%T%{^[[0m%} %{^[[33;34;1m%}%n%{^[[0m^[[33;34;1m%}@%{^[[33;39;1m%}%m %{^[[33;34;1m%}%(5~|%-2~..%2~|%~)%{^[[0m^[[33;34;1m%}%#%{^[[0m%} "
# user prompt : red
  export PS1="%{^[[33;39;1m%}%T%{^[[0m%} %{^[[33;31;1m%}%n%{^[[0m^[[33;31;1m%}@%{^[[33;39;1m%}%m %{^[[33;31;1m%}%(5~|%-2~..%2~|%~)%{^[[0m^[[33;31;1m%}%#%{^[[0m%} "

It gives something like :

17:59 cyril@cyrilr /mnt/fat..5_Archi/annales%

Use the directory stack

Zsh permits to use the directory stack very easily, in zshrc :

alias d='popd'            # simple alias
setopt auto_pushd         # auto pushd with cd
setopt pushd_ignore_dups  # ignore double names of the same directory
setopt pushd_silent       # don't print the directory when popd or pushd

Then you can type d as many times you want to move back all cd you've done.

History size

It is always painful to lose what you have typed in your shell 20 lines above. You can tune it in zshrc :

export HISTORY=500
export HISTSIZE=500
export SAVEHIST=500

Key bindings

In order to use navigation keys, still in zshrc :

bindkey '^A'    beginning-of-line       # Home
bindkey '^E'    end-of-line             # End
bindkey '^D'    delete-char             # Del
bindkey '^[[3~' delete-char             # Del
bindkey '^[[2~' overwrite-mode          # Insert
bindkey '^[[5~' history-search-backward # PgUp
bindkey '^[[6~' history-search-forward  # PgDn

bindkey '\e[7~' beginning-of-line       # Home mrxvt
bindkey '\e[8~' end-of-line             # End mrxvt

bindkey '^[[1~' beginning-of-line       # Home rxvt
bindkey '^[[4~' end-of-line             # End rxvt

bindkey '^[[H'  beginning-of-line       # Home xterm
bindkey '^[[F'  end-of-line             # End xterm


Still in zshrc :

### ls
alias ll='ls -l'
alias la='ls -a'
alias lla='ls -la'
### misc
alias c='clear'
alias less='less --quiet'
alias s='cd ..'
alias d='popd'
### df & du
alias df='df --human-readable'
# sorted du in one pass
alias du='du -a -x --max-depth=1 --human-readable > /mnt/ram/dunosort ;
 cat /mnt/ram/dunosort | grep -v -E "^[0123456789\.]+[KMG]\>" | sort -n > /mnt/ram/dusort ;
 cat /mnt/ram/dunosort | grep -E "^[0123456789\.]+[K]\>" | sort -n >> /mnt/ram/dusort ;
 cat /mnt/ram/dunosort | grep -E "^[0123456789\.]+[M]\>" | sort -n >> /mnt/ram/dusort ;
 cat /mnt/ram/dunosort | grep -E "^[0123456789\.]+[G]\>" | sort -n >> /mnt/ram/dusort ;
 cat /mnt/ram/dusort'
# sorted du in two pass
#alias du='du -a -x --max-depth=1 -b > /mnt/ram/duab.list; 
# du -a -x --max-depth=1 --human-readable > /mnt/ram/dua.list;  
# paste /mnt/ram/duab.list /mnt/ram/dua.list | sort -n | cut --fields=3,4'


History size

It is always painful to lose what you have typed in your shell 20 lines above. You can tune it in mrxvtrc :

mrxvt.saveLines:        10000


mrxvt.showMenu:         False
mrxvt.background:       black
mrxvt.foreground:       white
mrxvt.scrollbarStyle:   plain
mrxvt.itabBackground:   grey
mrxvt.scrollColor:      white
mrxvt.troughColor:      grey
mrxvt.tabBackground:    white


Mrxvt.macro.Shift+Left: GotoTab -1
Mrxvt.macro.Shift+Right:   GotoTab +1
Mrxvt.macro.Primary+Shift+Return:       Esc \ec
Mrxvt.macro.Ctrl+t:   NewTab
Mrxvt.macro.Ctrl+Shift+w:  Close 0

Other tunings

mrxvt.syncTabTitle:     False
mrxvt.syncTabIcon:      False