====== Beamer ====== Commands: * ''\uncover{}'': uncover content only for slides n-m (syntax "n-" or "-m" allowed) * ''\only{}'': same as ''\uncover'', except it doesn't reserve space for slides other than n-m * ''\alt{}{}'': uncover first argument for slides n-m, and second argument else Environments: * ''textblock'' in order to put content at any given place: \usepackage[absolute,showboxes,overlay]{textpos} %\TPshowboxestrue % for development, comment when done \TPshowboxesfalse % uncomment to hide boxes \textblockorigin{10mm}{20mm} % positions origin \begin{textblock*}{110mm}[0,0](0mm,20mm) \end{textblock*} * http://lesfichesabebert.fr/index.php/Beamer/Overlay#alert